Ephesians 5:33b: And the wife should respect her husband.
Respect is his primary need, his deepest desire.

I Put My Followers First

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank God for Icky Stuff

The challenge, issued by Branch of Wisdom, is to spend one month counting blessings.

This was to begin yesterday, the 24th of October, and will end on "Thanksgiving Eve", the 24th of November.  Participants are challenged to write Thanksgiving posts at least 15 times during that period.

This is my first post for this challenge and it is a doozy!

I take a big breath and let it out slowly before beginning this task because I challenge you to read with an open mind and willing heart.

I was introduced to a new form of thanks giving a few years ago.  In a nutshell, I was challenged to give thanks and praise God for the trials in my life.

That's right.

I was challenged to thank God for the blessing of trials, struggles, grief, pain, difficulties, or "the icky stuff".

Follow me to my other blog, Hearten Soul, and continue reading!

1 comment:

Gwen said...

What a fabulous idea. It can be hard to be thankful for the icky stuff but it can really change your perspective.

Can I get an Amen?