Ephesians 5:33b: And the wife should respect her husband.
Respect is his primary need, his deepest desire.

I Put My Followers First

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Respect Cards in a Giveaway

Caring for Our Blessings
Tempting, isn't it?

This is my first button trade!  I have to say that it is almost as exciting as trading marbles when I was young.  Big difference, though.  Someone else will wind up with the prize.  I traded buttons with Krista Schnee from "Caring for Our Blessings" blog.  She's offering some of the respect cards in a giveaway on her site.  Click on the apple for details (I'll be guest posting for her next month.)

I remember another game I played as a young child.  It was called "Button, Button.  Who's got the button?".  It was one of those games we'd play on a rainy autumn day.  Ready to play?

I have the button!
Humor me, please. - I conquered HTML!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

ginny said...

I SOOO wish I knew how to do the button thing....not even sure my website program will allow it....hmmmm.

Can I get an Amen?