Ephesians 5:33b: And the wife should respect her husband.
Respect is his primary need, his deepest desire.

I Put My Followers First

Friday, April 01, 2011

And Now, The Rest of the Story

On January 5 I wrote a post entitled "Wives, Submit". It was then that I publicly announced our plans to abandon California for a lower cost of living.  At the time we had no prospects for work or housing.  What we had was the answer my husband received when he prayed.

My husband went to the Lord with all of his fears and returned multiple times with the same answer. 
"You need to move in May."
I went to the Lord with all of my anticipation and returned multiple times with the same answer.
"Organize yourselves.  Prepare every needful thing."
My husband went back to God at least five times asking for clarification.  (I think he was actually asking God to reverse his decision.)  The answer became more clear.  Bruce told me that we were expected to move to Nauvoo, Illinois by May 31st.

I trust in my husband.  I trust in God.  So, since January 5th I have been preparing every needful thing.  I have been preparing and packing and cleaning fully expecting a late May departure date.  I admit that it was difficult when people asked questions and I had no satisfactory answers.
"So?  Do you have job?"  
"Where will you live?"
"How will you survive?"
"How will you get there?"
"Do you realize how much it costs to move?"
I could only square my shoulders and respond, "My husband prayed and God told him that we need to move."

I had read that only by believing could I receive.  (Matthew 21:22)  It was all I could do to walk by faith.
"I have set about reducing the size of our household and making some money by selling our excess on eBay and Amazon.  When I look at the total sum value of the items I am selling, the goal will not be met. 
But, I have faith in the Lord.  He did not tell me to make $3,000.  He told me to organize and prepare.  Each day I fight back the demons that taunt and tease me about the futility of my efforts."
And on that day (January 5th) I also wrote this:

Two months later, the job is tentative.  A long shot, actually.
The move is definite.
That job did not pan out.  Today is April 1st.  We have thirty days in April and thirty-one days in May to accomplish what the Lord has asked of us.

As of this evening the move is VERY definite because a home is definite and a job is definite.

The job is that of Innkeeper at the Rufus Abbott Manor Bed and Breakfast in Nauvoo, Illinois.  The house is the Innkeeper's "apartment" on site.

Really!  Truly!   This is not an April Fool's Day Joke.  Seriously.

So? Tell me?  Have you ever fantasized about running a Bed and Breakfast?

I sure have.

Now comes the final stage of preparation.  Raising the funds needed to move.  I entered a contest on Brickfish (a whole other story) and Brickfish went out of business just as the winner was to be announced.  It would have very nearly paid for the moving van.

I was lamenting the loss when a fellow writer, Michelle Devon, suggested that I hold a fund raiser.  She suggested that I offer a free ebook to anyone who donates to our moving fund.

I have not yet published the ebook on Smashwords but now that the big hurdle is behind me, I will get that up and available as soon as possible.  For tonight, I am setting up the Pledgie site because I promised my husband that I would. I'm calling it "In Pursuit of Self-Reliance".

Click here to lend your support to: Defeating The Catch-22 and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !

Can I get an Amen?